15 January 2006

Departure & Arrival, 1/12/06-1/13/06

I got to the airport on Thursday evening knowing that there would be 3 other people from the program on my flight. So while sitting in the waiting area, I looked around for faces that said, "I'm going to Dublin for the next 4 months with the Boston University abroad program," but surprisingly, that isn't an easily identifiable face.

About a half hour before we boarded, a very cute blond girl sat down next to me and said hello, and that she recognized me from (Happiness) the Dublin-06-orientation. Her name is Kathleen, she's from the Philly area, and we hit it off, and talked about how much we love Lost and Project Runway (and how much she likes 24, but I'm more into SVU). Then we met Tim, who was also part of the BU program... he's from Tinton Falls. The flight was nothing special, a little bumpy. They showed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I found it funny that Dinner then Breakfast were both served, about 2 hours apart.

We landed in Dublin at 7:30 am, and the sun had still not come up. I asked the man next to me, and he said it doesn't usually become light until around 8:15. There was a minor power failure in the terminal, and the jetway could not come out to the plane. So we disembarked via stairs on wheels. I went through immigration, got my passport stamped for the first time, and then met the fourth person from the program on my flight, Joanna. At baggage claim, we met up with Eric, Kathleen's boyfriend, and Kara and Megan, all part of our program. Tim (Cheung) and I met Kara way back at freshman orientation. We pretended that we had gone 4 years at the same high school, but had never met until that night. It was a great show. She still remembers it, and thinks it's hysterical. She's great. She wants to go do Karaoke together.


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