20 January 2006

There's a Saint named Kevin??

After class on Thursday, I went to the supermarket with some people and did a BIG order. We're talkin chicken, hummus, rice, spinach, cereal...it was time to get some real food in the apartment. So, I'm eating well.

Thursday night, I went into the city with Kara and Megan, and we met up with Kara's friends who were really fun. Kate, Mo, and Peter. They all go to Northeastern, and have internships at Parliament. The 6 of us headed for a place called the Stag's Head where there were more Northeastern people, as well as a LOT more BU people. For a gigantic city, why do all the Americans flock to the same places? Anyway, it was a lot of fun.

The Stag's Head was a basement bar, very dark, with a 3-man Irish band jamming for most of the night. I talked to the bartender for a while about who would be more likely to get a new stadium first, the Mets or the Yankees. He's pretty sure it will be the Mets, since they have no real attachment to Shea. His words. We spent most of the night there, but when it was last call, we went to a 24-hour french fries place.

Friday morning, we left on a "class trip" to Glendalough, which is the site of a historic monastary founded by St. Kevin. The monastary has a huge cemetary, many churches in ruin, and the only completely still-standing round tower in Ireland. Glendalough literally translates to "land of 2 lakes," and the monastary is built right next to them, where you can hike all around. We saw waterfalls and billygoats (no trolls though). I found it fascinating that these buildings were all built in the 12th Century, that parts of them are still standing, and that I was walking around where others had done almost 900 years earlier.

It was nice to leave the city and see the countryside for the first time. Sheep everywhere, narrow roads, rolling plains, and so much to learn. The land is quickly developing, however, as I saw a dozen sites for new home/retail construction...and a TGI Fridays.

On the way home from Glendalough, I got a chance to talk at length with Mary, the head of the BU-Ireland program. She organizes every aspect of the program, knows every one of us by name, and is theoretically in charge and responsible for us while we're here. Like a den mother. Anyway, Mary and I talked about music and concerts (she loves Robbie Williams and Coldplay, and is going to see Bon Jovi next month. She's not really into U2, but LOVES that James Blunt). She gave me the word on good radio stations, theatre, clubs, and the local live music thing. She was in the US for 5 years, working and living in Princeton, NJ, and is a big fan of the state. She said her favorite place to visit in the summer was the Jersey Shore, particularly Bay Head, which is not far from where my beach house is. I couldn't believe we were trading the same beach stories. Small world, yes, but now it seems absolutely enormous.


Blogger Connie said...

dude, i'm a saint.

12:37 AM  

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