16 February 2006

The Muppet Show

Now, where were we? Ahh yes. Since last we spoke, I've turned in the 2 papers required of the "academic" half of this semester. One on the education system in Ireland, and how it has modernized in the last 30 years. The second, on the life of Charles Stuart Parnell, Irish politician of the 1880s who's career was cut tragically short when it became public that he'd been having an affair with the wife of one of his aides. Kitty O'Shea. That was her name, no joke. I must say, the Dewey O'Decimal system is a bit more difficult to navigate than our own library catalogues, but I was able to find what I needed rather quickly.

We're also getting down to the wire on getting our internship placements. There are 4 more possible days for me to have an interview, and I haven't heard anything yet from the placement offfice. The only reassuring thing is that about 1/3 of the program is in my boat. "Don't worry if you don't hear from us until the last minute. Everyone gets an internship." I'm holding you to that, Rebecca + Tom. I wish they'd let me find one myself.

This weekend was barrels of fun. Thursday night was the usual 80s night at Q. Friday, I went to see MUNICH with my friend Colin who is neither American nor Jewish. His first words to me when we sat down were, "So, what's this movie about?" I then remembered how silly it was to think that children growing up in Ireland are told of the same tragedies and world events (IRA bombings) that children in America do, let alone Jewish children in America (Munich, Iranian hostage crisis). Ireland had their own stuff to deal with in the 80s. So I explained it to Colin, and his reaction was similar to mine upon hearing that the vice president shot a 78 year old man in the face. "This ACTUALLY HAPPENED??" Go get 'em, Dick.

Saturday night was our first official pub crawl. 6 pubs. 1 night. Rather self explanatory.

This week at DCU is a big back to school celebration, the highlight of which is "Mini Brother." This is Big Brother, with 4 people, in a Mini Cooper, for 3 days, web-cast on the student website, who vote people out by sending text messages. Brilliant.

Tonight, I went downtown to see "I, Keano," the biggest Irish musical of the year. Who are we kidding, it's probably the only Irish musical of the year. Based on an incident in the life of Roy Keane, Ireland's most notorious soccer player, famous for his bad attitude and rough sportsmanship. But no one will deny that he's the best. The musical was a total farce, turning a soccer champoinship into a Roman empire-era war battle, but the metaphor worked. The cast was extremely talented, but the writing needs some work. Essentially, in 2002, Ireland made it to the World Cup, and went to train in Saipan a few weeks before the tournament. When they arrived, there were no soccer balls, the field was built on poor grounds, none of the gear arrived, and it was an all out mess.

Keane was incredibly dissapointed at the lack of organization and preparation on the side of management, and told a newspaper that he thought the situation was a circus, and when the manager (Mac) read the story, he confronted Keane. Keane exploded publicly in a tirade and mouthed off to Mac in ways that get you arrested in some countries. "It's a fuckin muppet show!" There was a whole song about this. Mac sent Keane home before the World Cup, and the country went nuts, because Keane was the best, and Ireland hadn't been to the World Cup in years. The musical ripped Mac and the IFA (Irish Football Association) apart, but it was suprisingly lighthearted, clever and funny. The experience differed from being in New York, though. People were eating popcorn and drinking beer like they were at a movie, in a bar. I didn't like that. Everything has its time and place. I did discover, however, that my friends Eric and Kathleen are big theatre dorks like me.

Finally, get ready for me to cook some amazing dinners when I get home. I am enjoying this kitchen immensely, and all the wonderful things I make in it. I'm not even going to tell you what I make, you'll just get jealous and hungry. Just know that when I get home, if you're lucky, you will eat well.

Cork for the weekend > Finals > Spring Break > Visitors of all shapes, colors, and sizes. So long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, man, this blog is still an awesome read. haven't been able to keep up for the past couple weeks because of moving to LA, but it's good to see ireland still exists and that you're liver is still functional. drink a beer for me.

7:38 AM  

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