15 March 2006

Trash Boys + Parents

I apologize for the delay in update, as we've had some technical difficulties in picture-uploads. But rest assured, everything is back on track.

The day after I returned from Paris, the BU Spring Break began, and I got some very special visitors. Matt and Mike arrived Friday morning, and began their 10 day Irish adventure. We spent Friday - Sunday in Dublin, completing whatever sightseeing I had yet to do on my own. We saw the Book of Kells exibit and toured the Jameson distillery, where Mike finally got a diploma (in whiskey taste-testing). We walked through St Stephens Green and Merrion Square, and Karen and I got to show off how smart we have become in Irish history while showing our friends around.

At night, we kept it simple, and hung around at the pubs that have become so familiar to us, but also some cool new ones. I don't know if you've noticed, but the Trash Boys and I appear to belong to vastly different social circles, and yet somehow we make that work for us. PEACOAT PARTY!

Along the way we met some really amazing people, some of whom the guys were told to look up before they got here, from friends or family at home...others we just met along the way, like Emma.

Monday morning I saw the guys off to Galway, for the start of their week in the country, and I started my first day at work at The Helix. The Helix is a 4-venue performing arts center in Dublin, presenting theatre, concerts, opera, dance, fashion shows, children's productions, and art exibitions. I work in the advertising/marketing office, and I know it's such a cliche, but in my first week alone, I learned so much more hands on than anything in a classroom. (Not to say that my classes have not been of use, because they certainly have. It's just amazing how fast you retain everything when putting it to use.)

I've written press releases, radio ad scripts, and ad copy. I've read scripts for possible upcoming productions, done layout for flyers, brochures, websites etc. I'm really having a blast, and the perks are, of course, tickets!!

Being back in Dublin marked the triumphant return of Thursday Night 80s at Q with the Northeastern kids. If there was one thing I missed most over break, it was Kate, Pete, Mo, and 'Thriller.'

My non-stop month didn't end there. The following morning, The Silverbergs arrived in Ireland for a quick weekend visit with their beloved son. I know it's only been 2 months since I saw my parents, but it was exciting to see them. It's hard to plan a lot of sightseeing into just 4 days, so luckily they were more interested in just hanging out with me than "seeing Ireland." This worked out very well.

They were a bit jetlagged their first morning, however, and when I showed up at the hotel on schedule at 11, I found them still sleeping. I knocked on the door and was told it was too early for housekeeping.
Dad (half asleep): Who is it?
Me (confused): It's me.
Dad: You're in the wrong room.
Me: YOU'RE in the wrong room!
Mom: Oh shoot! What time is it?!

I showed them around my school and The Helix, I took them to Guinness, showed them around Trinity and the basics of Dublin, and we took the train to the port town of Howth for the Sunday fresh market. But other than that, it was food, beer, and live music. My dad's got the taste buds for dark beers, and I introduced my mom to the wonderful world of cider. My dad talked '24' with Kara, and then got hit on by some Scottish girl.

The nice thing about this trip was that my parents would never have come to Ireland if I hadn't studied here. We have no roots here, no interests here. But the fact that I was here made for a very nice excursion to a not-so-foreign foreign country. Another stamp on the old passport I say. The best part was that, since my parents got to hang out with Matt and Mike and BU-Dublin and Irish people all together, they got to experience what my friends and nights are like at BU, only in Dublin. Troopers.

Matt and Mike returned to Dublin for the weekend, before heading back to America Monday morning. We spent the time hanging out with our new Irish chaperones, Gar and Emma. They showed us these 2 cool rockabilly bars, populated mostly by "their people" as opposed to "my people" (as Matt so keenly likes to describe our typical groups), but like I said earlier, that's why our friendship is so entertaining.

I was really proud to sort of be the bookends for their trip, and was sad to see them go. A lot can happen in a week, as this trip has proved a dozen times over for me, but they got to experience it for themselves.

Anyway, it's back to The Helix for me. And time to gear up for the Patty's Day weekend. Oh man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evan, I have been enjoying the blog and glad the parents had a good time. It sounds like you found a good craic - if that's the right use of the word.
cousin Eric

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words....Dublin will never be the same FUCKERS......but seriously amazing time!

-Matty Tra$h

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you take great pictures. It's so fun to look at. haha

3:20 PM  

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